onedayillbefree -
Looks like you're on your way
regular pioneer!.
officially announced!
i'm very happy!
onedayillbefree -
Looks like you're on your way
at first i must apologize my english, im not native speaker.. .
during the last two years i ve been studying without watchtower publications and it really opened my eyes.. i think i made a mistake to tell my findings about the "truth" to my brother.. here s the translation of email i got from him.... .
"howdyhau you gay*****, i have confessed all my sins and im trying to get rid of them.
kaiser - i reached out to the only aunt i have whose never been baptised when I left. That's a good connect to have. Maybe she can support you and be there for you.
at first i must apologize my english, im not native speaker.. .
during the last two years i ve been studying without watchtower publications and it really opened my eyes.. i think i made a mistake to tell my findings about the "truth" to my brother.. here s the translation of email i got from him.... .
"howdyhau you gay*****, i have confessed all my sins and im trying to get rid of them.
Well now that's just downright hateful. Do you have other family you can reach out to?
newflash in the ongoing addiction and mania that started at age twelve when the national broadcast news showed pictures of these english boys with very, very long hair.
i stopped by a local grocery store b/c i was not certain that a challis scarf was wool or rayon b/c the fabric content is in arabic.
thank allah for arabic numerals.
That is so cool BandOTR.
there seems no end of people claiming to be inspired.
there are numerous holy books claiming to have been handed to their writers by god.
these days a person writing their own holy book is likely to be met with scepticism (unless you are a scientologist), so people tend to claim to be inspired to interpret older holy books.
I lean towards an inflated sense of self as the cause. Except in the case of a skewed brain condition.
today is my first anniversary as a jwn member.
it's hard to believe that only a year has passed since i joined, but i feel that's a testament to how much i have been welcomed and made to feel like part of the furniture.. i would very much like to take this opportunity to thank everyone on the forum for the immense help and assistance i have received, particularly in my first few weeks/months of posting.
it truly was a lifeline at a very distressing time for me.
i dont type much and i must have overlooked the intro thread so ill start with a joke.
a witness walks into a biker bar and proclaims that the owner of the demonic bike painted with skulls is has pissed god off.
that is about where the story ends.
Hi noob. lol on the joke.
at 37 years of age, i'm much to young for feeling this damn old, so apologies for sounding less than idealistic, but...... we need people who will be honest and true to themselves.
having offered jws the entire decade of my 20's while they tried to suck out my soul, i have come to appreciate how little of a desire these days i have to change the world.
which was sad at first.
In my world the way things are has taken an unexpected turn. Word has gotten around that we don't believe it and are not going back. When we left we had a short list of those we wanted to maintain contact with. We were willing to take a loss on everyone else. I've gotten some family out.
Oddly, some friends have not stopped their children from spending time with us. I have full access and plan tons of summer fun. I can only take their willingness to allow their children to hang out with us as a sign that they want their children out of the cult. Unable to come to grips with cognitive dissonance in themselves, they're allowing me to have an influence on their children socially.
I would love to always be able to hold full court press and voice my disdain for the cult. With these kids I have to calculate my words carefully. This was a great summer. I saw a lightbulb go off in a couple of the kids eyes. Beautiful thing to see. I hope they make it out.
jehovah's witnesses and many other religions believe jesus will return or has returned (invisibly .
Life expectancy is longer than it's ever been. Maybe that is God's way of making the good news accessible to every one.
I heard this expressed by many witnesses over the years.
jehovah's witnesses and many other religions believe jesus will return or has returned (invisibly .
Now that is some conjecture if I ever heard any. LOL